Milk is a porcelain-white liquid with a distinctive smell and taste secreted by female mammals to feed their newborns. It begins to be secreted after the calf is born and continues to be secreted in varying amounts and for a period depending on different parameters, especially species and breed. To define milk for food experts, milk is a polydisperse food in which the fat phase…
Milk microbiology is a vast ocean and is too comprehensive to be explained in one or two paragraphs. I want to point out that there is a 1000-page book on lactic acid bacteria. However, I will explain briefly so that you can have an idea. Microorganisms are the only reason we cannot consume raw milk. Likewise, we have to keep milk cold because of microorganisms.…
Hünkâr Beğendi still preserves its distinction and place as one of the most important taste heritages from the Ottoman Empire. Although centuries have passed, it always manages to become one of the most popular invitation dishes of Turkish Cuisine. “Hünkâr beğendi” means “the Sultan liked it” in Turkish. There are different rumors about when it first appeared. According to a rumor, this dish, which was…
Sütlaç is mentioned for the first time in medical books and poems of Kaygusuz Abdal in the 15th century as “milky soup” or “milky rice.” Rice pudding, which also entered the Italian Cuisine, was presented as “Turkish style rice with milk sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon” as the third dish of a feast given by Pope Pius V in 1570. In Ottoman Empire, sütlaç was…
Berberis crataegina DC. is a shrub-shaped plant of the genus Berberis, which is distributed in the northern temperate regions of the world in Southern Asia, including the northeastern region of the United States, many parts of central and southern Europe and the northern region of Pakistan. However, it is reported that there are about 500 different species in the world. There are four species of…
By definition, water activity in foods is the ratio of the vapor pressure of the water in the food to the vapor pressure of pure water at the same temperature and its symbol is aw. Theoretically, the water activity value is between 0 and 1; however, water activity in foods varies between 0.1 and 0.99. Water activity has no units because it expresses a ratio.…
Rosehip, as it is known, is one of the most important sources of vitamin C (for information about vitamin C, see All vitamins; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods). Another feature of rosehip is that it is not cultivated and does not contain pesticides and preservatives, as it is a wild fruit. Therefore, rosehip is a very healthy wild fruit that should be consumed by…
Stuffed Peppers is one of the most well-known and favorite dishes of Turkish Cuisine. It is also very practical and easy to make. There are many different types of stuffed peppers. This recipe is for stuffed peppers with minced meat served hot. With this recipe, you can prepare stuffed peppers for 5 people in about 1 hour. Ingredients for the sauce Directions Step 1: Wash…
Ezogelin Soup is one of Turkey’s best known and most admired soups. Besides being very tasty and nutritious, it is a very practical and easy-to-make soup. Ezogelin means “Ezo the bride” in Turkish. You can prepare the ezogelin soup for 6 people in approximately 45 minutes. Ingredients • 2 1/2 cups red lentils, • 3 tablespoons rice, • 2 tablespoons bulgur, (see what is bulgur?)…