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Proteins; Functions in the Body, Quality and Daily Needs

Roles and Functions of Proteins in the Body 1. Proteins are the building blocks of the cell, which is the smallest living unit of living organisms. 2. Proteins are involved in the structure of body tissues. They are used in the repair of tissues. 3. All enzymes and most hormones have proteins in their structure. 4. Proteins have transport and storage functions in the body.…

Carbohydrates; Functions in the Body and Daily Needs

Functions of Carbohydrates in the Body There are two types of carbohydrates, digestible and indigestible. The body provides energy from digestible carbohydrates. Indigestible carbohydrates known as dietary fiber have positive effects on digestion. In short, carbohydrates have three important functions in the body. First, it is the body’s primary source of energy. Secondly, it is used as a building material in all tissues and cells…

Food and Nutrition; Definitions, History and Nutrients

What is Food? Food is defined as “any kind of edible, nutritious substance” in dictionaries. Of course, this definition is not sufficient to describe foods. According to this definition, there is no drinkable food available. Similarly, drugs can also qualify as food according to this definition. However, medicines are not food. On the other hand, there is no clear and standard definition of food in…