Biopolymers are polymers that can be produced or biodegraded by a living thing. Exopolysaccharides, as the name suggests, are polysaccharide (carbohydrate) biopolymers secreted out of the cell. Only some living things have the ability to produce exopolysaccharides. Exopolysaccharides (EPS) can be imagined as “a sticky ball of wool” produced inside the microorganism cell and secreted outside. This secreted structure gives the microorganism different abilities such…
Although humanity has come a long way on the path to civilization, one of the biggest problems of the world today is the inability of the entire population to access potable water. About 32% (2.5 billion) of the world’s population is currently deprived of clean drinking water. As a result, deaths and serious health problems occur. The water hardness is also very important in terms…
Colostrum is a milk that yellowish color, salty taste, thick consistency and mammals secrete for the first 24-48 hours after birth. The composition of colostrum is quite different compared to milk and unlike milk, it contains many molecules that are extremely useful for the health of the offspring. The colostrum in the picture was obtained by combining the colostrums milked during the first 4 days.…
Color is one of the most important parameters affecting the consumer’s purchase of food. Both the preservation of the existing color and the coloring of the food in a way that does not exist but increases the attractiveness of the food are very common applications in the food industry. Detailed information on the protection of color is given under the title of preservative food additives…
Butter, the first findings of which were found in 8000 B.C in history, has had a very important place in human nutrition until today. The unique aroma of butter, which contains more than 80% milk fat, has become a flavor element in nutrition; this unique flavor has made butter preferable for consumption. Although many ideas were put forward about butter in the 20th century that…
Sweetness is one of the 6 basic tastes [1]. Mankind has felt the need to sweeten some of the foods they consume for a very long time. It has long been used to sweeten foods that are very sweet and high in carbohydrates, such as honey and molasses, to sweeten their food. The discovery of granulated sugar by Indians crystallizing sugar from sugar cane in…
It is necessary to consider the preservatives of food from two different perspectives. The first is to protect the food from microbial activities; prevent microbial spoilage and prevent the food from becoming microbially unsuitable for health. The second is that to prevent food loses its freshness over time due to its nature, apart from microorganism activities; it should be considered as delaying or preventing the…
Anxiety can be defined as a group of mental problems that cause constant and overwhelming worry and fear. While anxiety is a very natural and necessary emotion, its excess can lead to negative consequences. The prevalence of anxiety disorder is between 13.6% and 28.8% of the population in developed countries. Although the underlying causes are not fully understood, it is known that there are different…