Karnıyarık is one of the most authentic dishes of Turkish Cuisine. It is quite tasty and satisfying. With this recipe, a 6-person karnıyarık can be prepared in about 70 minutes. Ingredients • 6 small eggplants, • 3 green chili peppers, For the minced meat mix; • 300 grams minced meat, • 1 large onion or 2 medium onions, • 2 green chili peppers, • 2…
There are three important breaking moments throughout history in the understanding of “Nutrition and Food” of human beings. The first was the discovery of fire, which gave mankind the opportunity to cook their food on fire and was an important revolution for that time. The second was the discovery of agriculture in the Neolithic Period. With agriculture, man has had the ability to produce more…
Semolina Halva is a wonderful Turkish dessert from Ottoman cuisine. You can consume it hot or cold according to your taste. It can be made with or without milk. This recipe includes milk. The consistency and color of the semolina dessert change according to taste, so you can adjust the time and the fire of the stove while cooking, whichever consistency and color you want.…
Bulgur is obtained by cleaning the wheat and drying it after boiling it. It is ground in stone mills, such as fine, medium or coarse-grained and goes through the sieving process. Bulgur is usually consumed by making pilaf. In addition, it is used in the preparation of salads, soups and many other dishes. It has also been accepted by the medical world that bulgur, which…
I don’t know why, but every child in Turkey loves juicy meatballs. Preparing meatballs can be intimidating, but they are actually quite simple to make. I recommend having rice pilaf on the menu as well. Juicy meatballs are a very tasty and satisfying dish. With this recipe, juicy meatballs for 4 people can be prepared in about 90 minutes. Ingredients For the meatballs; Directions Step…
Rice pilaf is one of the most popular dishes in Turkish cuisine. Along with rice pilaf, baked beans or türlü (Turkish vegetable stew) are also included in the menu. Rice pilaf makes a great pairing with baked beans and is loved by the Turks. It is a great couple with doner kebab in restaurants. There are many varieties of rice. What we are talking about…
One of the rosehip species that are not as well known as red rosehip but is superior in terms of some compounds it contains is the fruit of Rosa pimpinellifolia L., known as the “black rosehip.” Black rosehip is a wild fruit belonging to the Rosa family that is highly beneficial to health. It is purple-black and is more plump than the pointed and oval…
“Türlü” (Turlu) means “contains all kinds” in Turkish. Türlü is one of the most popular dishes of Turkish cuisine. Different recipes can include different vegetables or can be made without meat. It can be cooked in a stew or a pot. It tastes better if cooked in a stew. With this recipe, Türlü can be prepared for 4 people in about 2 hours. Ingredients Directions…