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Aşure (Ashura, Noah’s Pudding) Recipe

Aşure is a tradition of the Islamic society. It is held every year on the 10th day of Hijri Muharram and is served to neighbors and relatives. According to Islamic belief, when Prophet Noah set foot on land after the Great Flood, he made this dish with the last ingredients in his hand.

Today, Aşure is consumed as a uniquely delicious dessert and it is very nutritious. The word Aşure comes from the Arabic word “ashara”, means “ten.”

A photo of aşure

Aşure is basically made using water, wheat, chickpeas, granulated sugar, beans. However, quite different ingredients such as blackberry, apple, rice or cherry are also used in different regions and cultures.

With this recipe, you can prepare ashura for 20 people. It’s a little tedious to make, but believe me, it’ll be worth it. Let’s start!


  • 10 liters water,
  • One cup chickpeas ( a cup is 200 ml),
  • One cup beans,
  • One cup black-eyed peas,
  • 0.5 kg wheat,
  • One cup raisins,
  • One cup dried apricots,
  • One cup dried figs,
  • 2 cups walnuts,
  • 2 cups hazelnuts,
  • 100 grams sesame seeds,
  •  One cup grape molasses,
  • 3.5 cups granulated sugar,
  • Cinnamon, hazelnut or walnut powder.


Step 1: The day before you start making Aşure, cut dried apricots, grapes and figs into cubes and put them in separate bowls and add enough boiling water to cover each one. Leave them like this overnight to soften them.

Step 2: Put the chickpeas, beans, cowpea and wheat in separate bowls and add enough water to cover them. Leave them like this overnight to soften them.

Step 3: Drain the chickpeas that you have kept in water overnight and put the chickpeas in a pressure cooker. Add enough water to cover the chickpeas in the pressure cooker and boil the chickpeas in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes. Strain the water after boiling.

Step 4: Boil separately the chickpeas, beans and black-eyed peas.

Step 5: Drain the wheat and put it in a large saucepan. Add 10 liters of water to it and boil the wheat. This process takes about 1 hour, while boiling the wheat, stir it from time to time.

Step 6: After 1 hour, turn down the stove. Add the beans, chickpeas and black-eyed peas to the pot and mix.

Step 7: Drain the dried figs, grapes and apricots you have kept in water and add them to the pot. Stir it well.

Step 8: Chop the hazelnuts and walnuts into small pieces, add them to the pot and stir.

Step 9: Add 100 grams sesame seeds and stir.

Step 10: Add 1 cup grape molasses and stir.

Step 11: Add 3.5 cups sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

Step 12: Boil the mixture. After boiling for 5 minutes, turn off the stove.

Step 13: While the mixture is still hot, pour into bowls and leave to cool on the counter.

Step 14: When cool enough, put the bowls in the refrigerator.

Step 15: They are ready to be served 4-5 hours after putting them in the refrigerator.

Step 16: Optionally, you can sprinkle cinnamon, pistachio, hazelnut or walnut powder on it. You can also sprinkle pomegranate seeds.

Here is an another delicious dessert recipe; Sütlaç (Rice Pudding Recipe)

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