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Digestive System and Digestion of Food

All organs and tissues involved in ingesting and digesting food and removing waste from the body constitute the digestive system. To better understand the digestive process, it is necessary to know the digestive system. Digestive system The digestive system consists of the digestive tract, the route of food in the body and organs that help digestion. The schematic representation of the digestive system is given…

Lipids; Classification, Fatty Acids, Fats and Oils

Classification of Lipids Although the term “fat” is used for all fat and similar molecules in the colloquial language, fats and oils are molecules in the group called “lipids” in food chemistry. However, there is no standard view on classifying lipids in the scientific community. In general, lipids are divided into three classes. 1) Simple Lipids a) Fats and Oils; All of the fats and…

Proteins; Amino Acids, Structure and Classification

Proteins are the primary building material of organisms. Different proteins have different functions. If we think of the body as a building, we can accept most of the materials and components in the construction, such as iron, brick, cement, windows and elevators, as protein in the organism. Proteins are mainly composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S). However, phosphorus…

Carbohydrates; Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides

Carbohydrates are organic molecules consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). Plants produce carbohydrates by using carbon dioxide and water through photosynthesis. While some of the carbohydrates produced are converted into protein, fat and other organic compounds, some are turned into polysaccharides for storage. Carbohydrates are consumed by organisms that cannot photosynthesize, primarily to obtain energy. Although it is a natural component in…

Water in Foods; Forms, Characteristics and Importance

Some Characteristics of Water Water, one of the four major components in foods, is extremely important in terms of its vital necessity in nutrition and its physical, chemical and microbiological effects on foods. To understand why water is so important for food, it is necessary to know its main characteristics. Water is a compound formed by the covalent bonding of two hydrogen atoms with an…

Lactic Acid Bacteria; Definition, Classification and Characteristics

In the last 150 years, nearly 50,000 scientific publications on Lactic acid bacteria have been published within the scope of SCI and it is reported that 3,453 of these publications are only for 2023 (Web of Science, 2024). Today, thousands of scientists are still studying intensively on the subject and significant discoveries have been made. Considering that the starter culture market, based on lactic acid…

Starter Cultures; Definition, Classification and Characteristics

History of Starter Cultures By the 19th century, discovering microorganisms and clarifying fermentation chemistry enabled us to understand fermented products. With the developing technology, the possibilities have expanded; the journey to reach a healthier and standard fermented product production method by controlling spontaneous production has begun. Today, fermented foods such as dairy products, meat products, cereal products, fruit and vegetable products, alcoholic beverages and soy-based…

All Vitamins; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods

Vitamin A (Retinol) Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and can be stored in the liver. Vitamin A-rich foods are fish, liver, butter, eggs, milk and dairy products. About 50 of the 600 carotenes found in plant foods are in vitamin A form. These carotenoids are called provitamin A and are converted to vitamin A by taking 1 mole of water into their structures with…

All Minerals; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods

Although minerals are found in meager amounts in foods, they are vital components for health. Minerals cannot be produced in the body and therefore must be taken from outside with food. Minerals have different roles and functions in the body. Therefore, many various ailments and diseases can occur in their deficiencies. In this respect, it will be helpful to examine each mineral separately. 1. Calcium…

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