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  • Although humanity has come a long way on the path to civilization, one of the biggest problems of the world today is the inability of the entire population to access potable water. About 32% (2.5 billion) of the world’s population is currently deprived of clean drinking water. As a result, deaths and serious health problems occur. The water hardness is also very important in terms…

  • Collagen is an important type of protein found in the body and can be produced by the body. It is the most common protein found in humans and other mammals, accounting for 25-35% of our body’s total protein content. There are 28 known types of collagen and type I collagen accounts for 90% of the collagen in the human body. Fibroblasts are the most common…

  • Lycopene is the color pigment that gives its characteristic color to red and pink fruits such as tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit. Lycopene is an extremely beneficial molecule for health. Health benefits of lycopene 1. Lycopene may protect against some types of cancer Many studies show that lycopene can slow the growth of breast and prostate cancers by limiting tumor growth. Men who consumed at…

  • What is it, what it is not, its importance for health, truths and wrongs known as true… Curious questions and answers about cholesterol; 1. What is cholesterol? It is a molecule of the lipid class. It is not found in plant foods, it can only be found in animal foods in varying amounts. In addition, the human body produces between 1 and 4 grams of…

  • “Nutritional yeast“, which has become very popular recently, is a new generation commercial product produced by the reproduction, clarification and drying of Saccharomyces cerevisiae type yeast, which is also used as bread and brewer’s yeast and then inactivates it by enzyme and heat treatment. In other words, the product is completely dried yeast cells. This type of yeast has the ability to produce very high amounts of…

  • Wild apple is an apple variety that grows naturally and spontaneously on mountain slopes and rural areas. Wild apple is a medium 3 cm diameter, white flesh, fragrant and aromatic, yellow or red colored. In general, apples belonging to the genus Malus communis L. from the Rosaceae family; consist of 85% water, 11% carbohydrates, 2% dietary fiber, 0.6% fat, 0.5% organic acids, 0.3% protein and…

  • There are three important breaking moments throughout history in the understanding of “Nutrition and Food” of human beings. The first was the discovery of fire, which gave mankind the opportunity to cook their food on fire and was an important revolution for that time. The second was the discovery of agriculture in the Neolithic Period. With agriculture, man has had the ability to produce more…

  • There are 3 different options in the consumer’s milk preference; raw milk, pasteurized milk and UHT milk. Where there is more than one option, it is quite natural to compare and choose the best one. However, it is extremely important to have accurate data when making comparisons. There are quite inaccurate and erroneous data in the comparison of raw milk and packaged milk; It is…

  • Bulgur is obtained by cleaning the wheat and drying it after boiling it. It is ground in stone mills, such as fine, medium or coarse-grained and goes through the sieving process. Bulgur is usually consumed by making pilaf. In addition, it is used in the preparation of salads, soups and many other dishes. It has also been accepted by the medical world that bulgur, which…

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Discover Food and Nutrition

Discover food and its components, understand the relationship between nutrition and health, and meet the unique flavors of Turkish Cuisine

Nutrition and Health Category

Nutrition and Health

Effects of nutrition on health; carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, digestive system and digestion of food, energy metabolism

Current Issues Category

Current Issues

Current issues on the foods, food components and relationship between food and health

Foods Category


Get detailed information about foods

Carbs and Health Post

Carbs and Health

The place of carbohydrates in nutrition, functions of carbohydrates in the body, daily needs, dietary fibers

Water and Health Post

Water and Health

The place of water in nutrition, the functions of water in the body, the amount of water needed daily, the importance of water in terms of health

Fats & Oils and Health Post

Fats & Oils and Health

The place of fats & oils in nutrition, the functions of fats in the body, daily needs, the importance of fat in terms of health

Proteins and Health Post

Proteins and Health

The place of proteins in nutrition, the functions of proteins in the body, daily needs, the importance of protein in terms of health, protein quality

All Vitamins; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods Post

All Vitamins; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods

All about vitamins; functions of vitamins in the body and more

All Minerals; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods Post

All Minerals; Functions, Daily Needs and Rich Foods

All about minerals; functions of minerals in the body and more

Food Chemistry Category

Food Chemistry

Discover food components; definition, structure, classification, properties and more…

Food Additives Post

All About Food Additives

Classification of food additives, types, E codes, the purpose of use, health effects, preservatives, sweeteners, colorants and more

Turkish Cuisine Category

Turkish Cuisine

Discover Turkish Cuisine; delicious meals, soups and desserts